Research CV Google Scholar Personal

Prasiddha Shakya (Sid)

I am a fifth-year PhD candidate in Economics at Colorado State University (CSU) currently researching on education and labor economics. My dissertation focuses on three different areas of education. My first chapter looks at the impacts of increasing teacher salary on student outcomes. My second chapter looks at the impacts of TRIO-funded programs on college outcomes for first-generation students here in the US and my third chapter looks at the possible effects of studying remotely during high school on college outcomes using COVID as the "random" shock that caused a lot of high school students to study under non-traditional modalities. More details can be found on my Research page.

I received my undergraduate degree in Mathematics from RCNJ where I also minored in Computer Science and Economics. I also do a lot of quantitative work for the Institute for Research in Social Science (IRISS) at CSU which has further strengthened my belief that we need to incorporate a multi-disciplinary approach to better address questions in our field. I consider health and education to be the two most important areas a country should have good control over and thus am greatly interested in policy issues in these two areas since the status of these two sectors, in my opinion, largely dictates the quality of life citizens in those countries have.

I am currently trying to find datasets that look at whether family structures and specific work profession dynamics within a household have significant impact on both pre/post partum depression rates. If you are someone interested in this type of work, please feel free to email me at pshakya "AT" colostate "dOt" edu and we can have a chat!

This semester, I am teaching one section of Intermediate Macroeconomics and one section of Money and Banking at CSU.